Born and raised in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Danil started his professional career in IT at the age of 15. At the local internet provider he discovered his passion for technology and programming. Since then, he’s led multiple successful teams focused on enterprise software development and web development.
He moved to the United States in 2013 after finishing the online master’s program at the University of Liverpool, to work with Farrukh and Eric. His focus was on website platform development coordination and architecture. In 2015 he moved to Dallas, TX where he’d meet his future wife. Married in 2020 and moved to San Diego where their first son, Adam was born.
Chief Architect
Danil Shingarev
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Software Architecture / Cloud Architecture, Dev Methodologies / DevOps, Data / Analytics
Fun Fact /Interesting Thing: Recently became a dad, Practice brazilian jiu-jitsu, Love baking: can make laminated pastry from scratch and mix brioche dough by hand.
Favorite Tech/App: Jetbrains IDEs, Trello, Spotify